By Blake Jackson
Missouri farmers benefited from a productive week ending June 23rd, 2024, with 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork. While temperatures averaged slightly above normal at 80°c (5.5 degrees above normal), precipitation remained below average at 0.32 inches (0.7 inches below normal).
Soil moisture levels remain favorable across the state. Topsoil moisture is rated at 2% very short, 22% short, 67% adequate, and 9% surplus. Subsoil moisture reflects a similar picture, with 1% very short, 15% short, 75% adequate, and 9% surplus.
Crop Update
Corn development is advancing quickly, with 13% of the crop reaching the silking stage, significantly ahead of the historical average of 2% for this time period.
Corn condition is generally good, with 64% rated good and 13% excellent. However, some areas are experiencing stress, with 2% of corn rated very poor and 4% poor.
Soybean planting is nearing completion at 94%, exceeding the five-year average of 88%. Similarly, soybean emergence is at 85%, outpacing the historical average of 76%.
Soybean blooming has begun, with 3% of the crop in bloom, slightly ahead of the five-year average of 2%. Soybean condition mirrors corn, with 66% rated good and 9% excellent. While most soybeans are faring well, some pockets are experiencing issues, with 2% rated very poor and 4% poor.
Cotton development is slightly behind schedule, with squaring reaching 24% compared to the five-year average of 30%. Cotton condition is generally good, with 56% rated good. However, similar to corn and soybeans, some areas are facing challenges, with 3% of cotton rated very poor and 9% poor.
Rice condition remains positive, with 71% rated good and 1% excellent. Winter wheat harvest is progressing rapidly, with 76% complete, well ahead of the five-year average of 44%. Winter wheat condition is also favorable, with 67% rated good and 15% excellent.
Overall, Missouri farmers are experiencing a positive growing season with good progress on most crops. Warmer temperatures and drier conditions will be crucial factors to monitor in the coming weeks.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-klosfoto
Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn, Soybeans