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Boost Seeding Efficiency with MU Extension's Drone Guide

Boost Seeding Efficiency with MU Extension's Drone Guide

By Blake Jackson

The University of Missouri Extension has introduced a new publication designed to help farmers and agricultural drone pilots enhance efficiency and precision in aerial seeding.

Gurbir Singh, a state extension specialist, has created a groundbreaking guide on calibrating drones for broadcast spreading pattern checks.

“Until now, spreading patterns have been a guessing game,” said Singh. “This new guide will provide a document for calibration that will save time and money. This will help determine the spreading pattern, and adjustments can be made in the drone settings to correct it.”

The guide helps users understand the actual spread of seed, considering factors like drone height, swath, flight speed, hopper opening, and wind.

"Whether you’re seeding cover crops, forages or specialty crops, this guide is packed with practical, research-backed insights to help farms and ag drone pilots get the most out of their drone applications," Singh added.

The step-by-step instructions enable users to optimize drone settings, minimize waste, and improve seed distribution, leading to time and cost savings.

Singh has conducted three years of drone research at the MU Greenley Memorial Research Farm in Novelty, part of the MU Northern Missouri Research, Extension and Education Center, and plans to share further insights.

"Utility Drones in Agriculture: Procedures for Drone Calibration and Worksheet for Evaluating Spreading Patterns" is available for free download at

Photo Credit: pexels-flo-dnd

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Education

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