By Blake Jackson
The 105th Southwest Missouri All Breeds Performance Tested Bull Sale, featuring 37 bulls, is set for March 31st at 7 p.m. at the Springfield Livestock Marketing Center.
Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist, highlights the sales focus on genomic and performance data.
The selection includes 34 Angus, two Gelbvieh, and one Balancer bull. "This sale pays close attention to genomics and performance measurements when developing the offering of bulls," says Davis.
Bulls meet strict performance and EPD standards, with EPDs above average in three of six categories: calving ease direct, weaning weight, yearling weight, milk, marbling, and ribeye area. Genomic testing further ensures genetic merit.
"An expected progeny difference (EPD) is a representation of how the bull’s progeny will perform, which genetic merit of that bull," Davis explains. Buyers can trust the bulls' quality due to this rigorous screening.
To aid buyers, MU Extension will host an educational session, "Buying Bulls by the Numbers," at 5:30 p.m. in the sale arena, focusing on utilizing EPDs.
"MU Extension plans to have an educational session and answer questions related to using EPD’s when buying bulls," says Davis.
For detailed bull information, the catalog is available. Online bidding is accessible via For inquiries, contact manager Chase Hultgren at 417-880-4479.
Photo Credit: gettyimages-steveoehlenschlager
Categories: Missouri, Upcoming Auctions, Livestock