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Crops thrive despite wet weather

Crops thrive despite wet weather

By Blake Jackson

Despite just two days suitable for fieldwork, above-average temperatures and precipitation influenced crop development across the country for the week ending May 19th, 2024.

Topsoil moisture remained favorable with only 1% reported as short, while subsoil conditions were slightly drier with 7% short.

Corn planting reached 76%, slightly behind the five-year average of 81%. However, corn emergence is on track at 61%, matching the historical average. While some corn is rated very poor or poor (10%), the majority falls under fair (31%), good (51%), and even excellent (8%) conditions.

Soybean planting is exceeding expectations, reaching 42% compared to the usual 36% at this time. Emergence is also impressive at 31%, well ahead of the five-year average of 19%.

Cotton planting is significantly ahead of schedule at 75%, compared to the historical average of 55%. Similarly, rice planting has reached 91%, surpassing the usual 78%. Both cotton (72% good) and rice (72% good) boast favorable conditions.

Winter wheat is nearing maturity with 95% of heads emerged, exceeding the typical 80% for this point in the season. The overall condition of winter wheat remains positive with 71% rated good.

These results indicate a mixed bag for crop progress, with some crops exceeding expectations and others lagging slightly behind the average. The impact of recent weather conditions will continue to be monitored in the coming weeks.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-banksphotos

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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