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Get your bulls ready for breeding season

Get your bulls ready for breeding season

By Blake Jackson

The breeding season is approaching, and according to University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist Patrick Davis, now is the time to start preparing your bulls.

Here are some key management strategies to ensure a successful breeding season:

  • Body Condition Score (BCS): Aim for a BCS of 6 before breeding. A BCS is rated on a 1-to-9 scale, with 6 indicating a smooth layer of fat throughout the body. This ensures bulls have enough energy reserves for breeding throughout the season. Refer to MU Extension guide G2093 for more on BCS management.
  • Foot Score: Foot score is an indicator of a bull's structural soundness. It includes claw set (hoof evaluation) and foot angle (strength of pastern and heel length). Both are rated 1-to-9, with an ideal range of 3-to-7. MU Extension guide G2093 has more details on foot scoring.
  • Vaccinations & Parasite Control: Update vaccinations and parasite control before breeding season to promote herd health and bull performance. Work with your veterinarian to develop a herd health program specifically for your bulls. Newly acquired, non-virgin bulls should be tested negative for trichomoniasis before entering the breeding pasture.
  • Breeding Soundness Exam (BSE): A BSE is a perfect opportunity to implement the above strategies and assess semen quality to identify and cull bulls with low fertility. During the BSE, BCS, foot score, vaccinations, trichomoniasis testing, and parasite control can all be addressed.

Additionally, semen motility and morphology are evaluated to ensure successful breeding. Schedule your bull's BSE 30-60 days before breeding season with your veterinarian.

“MU Extension partners with local veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies to provide bull management education during BSE Days in Southwest Missouri,” says Davis.

The program covers foot scoring, BCS, genomic testing, and BSE procedures. Partnering companies offer rebates on vaccinations and dewormers administered during these events.

Here are the participating veterinary clinics and their contact details:

  • Oct. 8: Barry County Veterinary Clinic, Cassville (417-847-2677)
  • Oct. 9: Aurora Animal Clinic, Aurora (417-678-3112)
  • Oct. 15: Dake Veterinary Clinic, Miller (417-510-5105)
  • Oct. 17: Animal Clinic of Diamond, Diamond (417-325-4136)
  • Oct. 18: Countryside Animal Clinic, Aurora (417-678-4011)
  • Nov. 4: Cedar Creek Veterinary Services, Stockton (417-476-3060)

“Whether bulls are tested through the BSE days or with your local veterinarian, get them tested,” says Davis. Bulls with low fertility or structural issues hinder breeding success, leading to fewer calves and reduced profits.

For more information on BSE Days or bull management, contact Patrick Davis at 417-276-3313 or

Photo Credit: gettyimages-steveoehlenschlager

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Categories: Missouri, Livestock

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