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Master Gardener Training in Missouri - Enroll by March 4!

Master Gardener Training in Missouri - Enroll by March 4!

By Blake Jackson

University of Missouri Extension will offer Master Gardener training courses at two locations along the U.S. 36 corridor this spring.  The classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 4 through April 17.

A course will be offered from noon to 2:30 p.m. at the Buchanan County MU Extension Center in St. Joseph, and another from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the First Baptist Church in Cameron.

MU Extension horticulturist Gwen Funk notes that the Master Gardener program, established in Missouri in 1983, provides comprehensive horticultural education.

The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including soils, plant nutrition, vegetable and fruit cultivation, ornamental plants, plant propagation, pest and disease control, lawn care, landscape design, environmental stewardship, and safe pest management.

Master Gardener volunteers play a vital role in assisting MU Extension. They share research-based gardening information, answer questions, teach through demonstration gardens, donate produce, participate in speaker bureaus, and disseminate educational materials.

To become a certified Extension Master Gardener, participants must complete 36 hours of training and contribute 30 hours of volunteer service to their community.

The registration deadline is March 4. Those interested in the Cameron course can register online. Registration for the St. Joseph course is also available online.

For more information, contact MU Extension horticulturists Gwen Funk at or 660-446-2724, or Todd Higgins at or 816-407-3490.

This program offers a valuable opportunity for gardening enthusiasts to deepen their knowledge and contribute to their communities.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-johnbraid

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