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Missouri bill aims to protect glyphosate supply

Missouri bill aims to protect glyphosate supply

By Blake Jackson

Glyphosate, a critical weed killer, underpins Missouri's agricultural productivity and affordability of consumer food products. House Bill 2763 seeks to shield American glyphosate manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits, potentially jeopardizing the supply chain.

Passage of HB 2763 is essential to ensure continued access to domestically produced glyphosate. Currently, China is the sole alternative source, raising concerns about national food security. Glyphosate is vital for weed control in Missouri's corn (66% of acreage) and soybean (91% of acreage) production. Import reliance would significantly inflate costs for both farmers and consumers.

Supporting HB 2763 strengthens American agricultural competitiveness and protects rural communities. The bill fosters economic freedom by guaranteeing access to essential tools and mitigates dependence on foreign sources for a key agricultural input.

Blake Hurst, Former Missouri Farm Bureau President urge Missouri State Senators to prioritize this critical legislation before the session concludes. Enacting HB 2763 safeguards Missouri's food supply and the economic well-being of its agricultural sector.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-fatcamera

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