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Missouri Corn Growers - New Guide on Corn Leafhopper Control

Missouri Corn Growers - New Guide on Corn Leafhopper Control

By Blake Jackson

University of Missouri Extension has released a new publication to aid corn growers in identifying and managing the corn leafhopper, a recently identified pest in Missouri.

Entomologist Ivair Valmorbida's "Biology and Management of Corn Leafhopper" provides information on corn stunt disease and effective management strategies.

In 2024, the corn leafhopper, which carries corn stunt disease, was confirmed in corn crops across 13 Missouri counties, posing a risk of 100% yield loss.

The free, downloadable publication, co-authored by Valmorbida and plant pathologist Mandy Bish, includes visual aids for identifying the leafhopper and corn stunt damage.

Initial symptoms of corn stunt include yellowing or reddening of leaf tips, leading to deformed grain, loose kernels, and stunted stalks.

The leafhoppers, which feed using piercing-sucking mouthparts, also produce honeydew, promoting black sooty mold growth, and can transmit four pathogens related to corn stunt disease.

The publication offers scouting and management techniques. Valmorbida recommends consistent field scouting throughout the growing season, noting the leafhoppers' rapid movement and ability to evade visual detection, especially in low numbers.

He suggests using sweep nets or battery-powered vacuums with pantyhose coverings for accurate assessment.

Valmorbida advises producers to adopt multiple strategies to control the pest and reduce disease spread.

These include early planting, insecticidal seed treatments for protection up to the V3 growth stage, removing volunteer plants that can harbor the leafhoppers and pathogens, and applying foliar insecticides if leafhoppers are present before the V8 growth stage.

The publication is available for download at

Photo Credit: gettyimages-awakr10

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn

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