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Grazing 300 days conference - extending your grazing season

Grazing 300 days conference - extending your grazing season

By Blake Jackson

Cattle and small ruminant producers in Missouri, take note! The "Grazing 300 Days" Conference offers valuable insights on extending your grazing season and reducing reliance on harvested feeds.

Held on June 4th, 2024, at the UCM Prussing Farm in Warrensburg, MO, the workshop features presentations by leading experts. Dr. Mary Drewnoski from the University of Nebraska will discuss new advancements in grazing research, while Dr. Jamie Courter of the University of Missouri will delve into matching beef cows to their environment. Additionally, a local livestock producer will share practical methods for extending your grazing window.

The conference also includes a tour of the native warm-season grass plots at UCM's Mitchell Farm. Don't miss this opportunity to learn valuable grazing management techniques and network with fellow producers.

The program costs $25 per person and includes lunch. Register by May 31st at the Cass County Extension Office: (816) 380-8460 emailing at

Photo Credit: university-of-missouri

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Categories: Missouri, Education, Livestock, Dairy Cattle

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