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Missouri thriving recreational marijuana industry

Missouri thriving recreational marijuana industry

By Blake Jackson

Missouri's legalization of recreational marijuana has spurred a thriving industry within the state. However, the journey from seed to retail shelf is a meticulously controlled process that prioritizes quality and consumer safety.

Cultivators utilize advanced techniques to grow cannabis plants, adhering to stringent quality control measures. Each plant is tagged and tracked within a state-mandated system, ensuring transparency throughout the production chain.

Following harvest, the plants undergo a drying and curing phase before further processing. The resulting cannabis flower may be sold directly to consumers or used in the creation of various infused products. Due to federal restrictions on cannabis research, much of the sorting and processing relies on manual labor, highlighting the unique challenges faced by this emerging agricultural sector.

The final stage involves specialized kitchens equipped for the safe and consistent production of infused products, such as edibles. Stringent protocols and safety regulations govern this process, reflecting the industry's commitment to consumer well-being.

Missouri's approach to recreational marijuana demonstrates a commitment to balancing quality control with the ability to meet consumer demand for a diverse range of cannabis products. This tightly regulated system serves as a model for other states embarking on similar legalization efforts.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-jessicahyde

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