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Missouri farmers win glyphosate protections

Missouri farmers win glyphosate protections

By Blake Jackson

Modern agriculture relies heavily on glyphosate, a weed control tool that safeguards crops and soil health. This year, the Missouri legislature, led by representatives like Dane Diehl and senators like Jason Bean, made significant progress in securing the future of American-made glyphosate for Missouri farmers.

This legislation is crucial for Missouri's robust agricultural sector. Lawmakers prioritized ensuring farmers have the tools they need, especially after witnessing the vulnerabilities of a globalized supply chain during the pandemic. Independent access to glyphosate safeguards Missouri's food security and prevents reliance on foreign producers who may not prioritize American interests.

Glyphosate protects a vast majority of Missouri's corn and soybean crops, making the state particularly susceptible to disruptions. With already thin profit margins and significant crop losses due to pests, restricted access to glyphosate could devastate yields and family farms. This would have a ripple effect, causing food shortages and price hikes for consumers nationwide.

Opposing this legislation were out-of-state special interests, including trial lawyers who exploit farmers with lawsuits. These groups have little understanding of Missouri's agricultural realities and prioritize profit over the well-being of local farmers.

Fortunately, Missourians from all walks of life rallied behind this legislation. Farmers, legislators like Speaker Plocher and Senators Black and Justin Brown, all played a vital role in its passage. This progress paves the way for a secure future.

With upcoming elections, urging legislators to solidify these protections is crucial. Working together, Missourians can ensure the continued availability of American-made glyphosate, safeguarding farmers, families, and the state's economy.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-livingimages

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Government & Policy

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