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Holt County wins 2024 Extension County council award

Holt County wins 2024 Extension County council award

By Blake Jackson

The University of Missouri Extension County Council of the Year award celebrates the invaluable contributions of local Extension councils in fostering community engagement, addressing local challenges, and delivering impactful programs.

Holt County was named the Northwest Missouri winner for 2024, showcasing their exceptional work in addressing various grand challenges, involving community partners, and creating a positive impact.

Their Garden Tour and "Hidden Gardens of Loess Bluffs" initiatives were instrumental in raising awareness, engaging the community, and strengthening partnerships.

Three other county councils in northwestern Missouri were also recognized as regional finalists:

Caldwell County: The council successfully established a permanent local MU Extension center, revitalizing local programming and fostering community connections. The new facility, completed in 2022, has significantly enhanced the council's ability to deliver programs and services to the community.

Clinton County: The council expanded its programs to address community health, youth activities, and agricultural education, tailoring initiatives to the county's unique demographics. Notable programs included stress management, suicide prevention, CPR training, nutrition classes, Master Gardener initiatives, and 4-H workshops.

Lafayette County: Following a successful tax levy, the council expanded 4-H programs, enhanced in-school education, and initiated the development of new, ADA-compliant facilities. The levy's passage was a significant achievement, demonstrating the community's strong support for MU Extension's work.

The County Council of the Year Award honors the dedication and hard work of these councils in serving their communities and advocating for MU Extension.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-stockseller_ukr

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