Start the new year knowing you'll have native plant seedlings to add to flower beds when spring arrives. The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) will offer free Winter Seed Sowing classes from 10 to 11 a.m. and from 1 to 2 p.m. on Jan. 24 at the MDC Clinton Office.
Participants will learn how to use materials such as plastic milk jugs to make mini greenhouses to grow native wildflower and grass seedlings, and how to stratify seeds for spring planting. Wildflowers planted in containers can be transplanted into flower gardens in spring. Seeds work, too, but some native plant species need winter cold to prepare them for spring germination.
Kara Entrop, MDC community education assistant, will teach Winter Seed Sowing methods and discuss the benefits that native wildflowers and grasses can provide in home gardens. Besides beauty, natives benefit wildlife such as songbirds or pollinators such as butterflies. MDC will provide all materials and seeds for wildflowers such as Missouri evening primrose, coneflower, and blue sage.
For stratifying seeds, participants will learn how to partially cut a container like a milk jug so soil and seeds can be added. Then the container is taped shut again. Gardeners can then set them outside until spring. The cold will help stratify the native seeds that need winter to prepare for germination. In spring, the containers can be opened and the seedlings transplanted.
This class is open to participants ages 7 and older. COVID-19 safety precautions will be observed. Registration is required. To register for the morning session, visit. For the afternoon session registration.
Categories: Missouri, Crops, Education, Rural Lifestyle, Weather