By Blake Jackson
The Missouri Corn Growers Association (MCGA) held its annual meeting and legislative day in Jefferson City yesterday, bringing together farmers, industry leaders, and guests from across the state.
The morning began with the annual meeting at the Capitol Plaza Hotel, where Attorney General Andrew Bailey delivered the keynote address.
Financial reports were reviewed, industry leaders provided updates, and four new board members were elected: Addie Yoder (District 3), Brice Fischer (District 4), Brandon Thiel (District 5), and Will Hunter (District 7).
Following the meeting and a luncheon, growers visited the State Capitol to advocate for the corn and ethanol industries with legislators, emphasizing their economic significance to Missouri.
“Like in farming, it takes a team coming together to ensure grower voices are heard on the issues that matter,” noted MCGA President Matt Lambert of Laclede. “While MCGA keeps an eye on the day-to-day here in the Capitol, it is important growers share our story in the political space to help ensure the win.”
Several individuals were recognized for their contributions to the corn and ethanol industries. State Representatives Dirk Deaton and Ed Lewis received the Friend of Corn Growers Award.
Congressman Sam Graves and Clint Stephens were honored with the President's Award. Brent Hoerr of Palmyra was bestowed the Honorary Lifetime Award, and Brent Hoerr, Gary Porter, and Clint Stephens were acknowledged for their years of service.
Photo Credit: missouri-corn
Categories: Missouri, Business, Crops, Corn