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MO crop shifts - corn down and cotton up

MO crop shifts - corn down and cotton up

By Blake Jackson

The Missouri Agricultural Statistics Service released its 2024 crop area report, highlighting some key changes compared to 2023. Corn and winter wheat plantings saw significant declines, while cotton and rice experienced increases.

Corn acreage dipped by 9% to 3.5 million acres, with the harvested area expected to follow suit at 3.31 million acres. This decrease suggests a potential shift in planting priorities for Missouri farmers.

Soybeans, on the other hand, remained stable at 5.6 million planted acres, with a slight increase in harvested area anticipated at 5.53 million acres. This indicates continued focus on this key crop.

Winter wheat also witnessed a notable decline, with planted area falling 13% to 680,000 acres. The harvested area is projected to reflect a similar decrease of 13%.

Hay production is expected to see a significant drop in 2024. The total harvested area is forecasted to be 2.93 million acres, a 24% decrease compared to the previous year. This decline affects both alfalfa and other hay types.

However, the report also reveals positive trends for some crops. Cotton acreage is projected to rise by 19% to 400,000 acres, suggesting a potential expansion in this sector. Similarly, rice plantings increased by 9% to 224,000 acres, with a projected harvested area of 219,000 acres.

The 2024 crop area report for Missouri paints a picture of a dynamic agricultural landscape. While some established crops like corn and winter wheat show a decrease, others like cotton and rice are gaining ground.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-kotenko-a

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn, Soybeans, Hay & Forage

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