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Reframing Marshes - Wetlands as Working Water Gardens

Reframing Marshes - Wetlands as Working Water Gardens

By Blake Jackson

A recent symposium at the 85th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference highlighted the multifaceted value of wetlands, emphasizing their role as more than just wildlife habitats.

The event, titled "Not Just for Ducks: Reframing Marshes as Working Water Gardens," brought together diverse perspectives on the cultural, ecological, and societal significance of these vital ecosystems.

Lincoln University Cooperative Extension (LUCE) participated through its Specialty Crops Program (SCP), an initiative focused on promoting native plants for conservation, sustainable food systems, and community engagement.

Frank Nelson (Missouri Department of Conservation), Zack Miller (The Nature Conservancy), and Dr. Nadia Navarrete-Tindall (LUCE) co-organized the symposium, which explored the contributions of wetlands to biodiversity, flood resilience, sustainable food sources, and cultural traditions.

"At this point, we've lost nearly 90% of what we once had in Missouri," Nelson emphasized. "The future of wetland conservation must come from multiple directions, disciplines, and interests."

Navarrete-Tindall's presentation, "Growing Native Edible Plants for Food and Wildlife in Farms and Gardens," showcased practical ways to integrate wetland plants into everyday spaces.

Navarrete highlighted wapatos (Saggitaria latifolia), a native aquatic plant with edible tubers used by Indigenous people for centuries, demonstrating how it can be incorporated into backyard water gardens to support biodiversity and create sustainable food sources.

The symposium underscored the deep connection between wetland plants and Indigenous and local communities. These plants have provided essential resources for generations, including food, tools, and other necessities, with many traditions continuing today.

"Wetlands hold importance in people's lives as well," Navarrete-Tindall explained.  "Exploring plants growing in wetlands helps us better understand their historical and cultural significance."

To further illustrate the cultural and culinary significance of native plants, the SCP hosted a "Dining Wild" dinner at LUCE's St. Louis Impact Center.  Chef Robert Rusan crafted a menu featuring dishes made with ingredients from the SCP’s Finca EcoFarm and partner donations.

The meal, featuring items like wild leek and fiddlehead fern dip, bison meatloaf with wild mushrooms, and persimmon pudding with spicebush and cranberries, provided a delicious example of the symposium's themes.

The collaborative nature of the symposium demonstrated the power of partnerships in advancing wetland conservation.

By combining diverse expertise and ideas, the event delivered a powerful message about the interconnectedness of wetlands, culture, and conservation.

Photo Credit: lincoln-univsersity-missouri

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