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Start your grass-fed beef venture - Register Now

Start your grass-fed beef venture - Register Now

By Blake Jackson

Calling all aspiring grass-fed beef producers! The University of Missouri is hosting a free Beginners Grass-Fed Beef Production and Marketing School on May 31st at the Wurdack Extension and Education Center.

This introductory course is perfect for small-scale farmers interested in raising grass-fed cattle and selling directly to consumers. Learn from MU Extension and Missouri Forage Council experts on key topics like:

  • Raising grass-fed beef: Experts will delve into forage systems, including native grasses and seasonal crops, to ensure optimal cattle health.
  • Marketing your product: Gain valuable insights on pricing strategies, developing your customer base, and utilizing social media effectively.
  • Direct sales techniques: Discover the best practices for selling your grass-fed beef through farmers markets, websites, and email marketing.

The workshop concludes with a tour of the Wurdack Center's facilities, showcasing their native grass pastures, forage crops, and grass-fed cattle herd. Don't miss this chance to gain the knowledge and skills to launch your grass-fed beef operation!

Register by May 20th and enjoy a free lunch included. Space is limited, so sign up today!

Photo Credit: gettyimages-r-j-seymour

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Categories: Missouri, Education, Livestock

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