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USDA Grants Help Farmers Increase Profits

USDA Grants Help Farmers Increase Profits

By Jamie Martin

The USDA announced a program offering grants to help farmers and agricultural producers expand their markets and generate more revenue. The Value-Added Producer Grants program helps farmers develop new products, create marketing opportunities, and increase their incomes.

Independent producers, agricultural producer groups, cooperatives, and producer-based businesses are all eligible to apply. Grants can be used for planning activities (up to $75,000) or working capital expenses (up to $250,000) related to producing and marketing value-added products.

Planning activities can include feasibility studies and business plan development. Working capital expenses may cover processing, marketing, advertising, inventory, and salaries.

Last year, Rural Development Puerto Rico awarded over $1 million to several agricultural projects on the island.

The USDA is especially interested in funding projects that align with its goals of reducing climate pollution, promoting equity in rural development programs, and helping rural communities recover economically.

The deadline to apply electronically is April 17, 2025. More information can be found on or by contacting the USDA State Office.

Photo Credit: usda

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