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New grant to enhance pork industry workforce

New grant to enhance pork industry workforce

By Blake Jackson

The University of Missouri Extension has secured a grant from the National Pork Board to address workforce challenges within the swine industry. The initiative will focus on improving retention among TN visa workers, a critical segment of the pork production labor force.

TN visa workers, primarily from Mexico and Canada, have become increasingly essential to many pork producers due to domestic labor shortages. While these workers often possess advanced degrees and skills, language barriers and cultural differences can impact long-term employment.

“Labor is a critical need in the swine industry,” said Mag Lopez, MU Extension state swine specialist. “Ten years ago, the TN visa professionals from Mexico began to help swine growers that could not hire local employees. Now about half or more of their employees in some operations are on the TN visa.”

The grant will support a comprehensive survey of TN visa workers in six major pork-producing states. Researchers will gather data on worker experiences, job satisfaction, and factors influencing retention. The findings will be shared with pork producers to inform tailored workforce management practices.

“This will benefit employers and TN visa workers by improving employee satisfaction and reducing the likelihood of the employee switching employers or resigning,” Lopez said.

The project is expected to yield valuable insights and recommendations for improving worker retention and job satisfaction within the swine industry.

Photo Credit: istock-srdjan-stepic

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Categories: Missouri, Livestock, Hogs

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