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Missouri grain stocks report - key insights for 2024

Missouri grain stocks report - key insights for 2024

By Blake Jackson

The Missouri Department of Agriculture released its latest grain stocks report, revealing a mixed bag for corn, soybeans, and wheat on June 1st, 2024, compared to the same date in 2023.

Corn stocks saw a significant increase across all positions, totaling 191 million bushels. This represents a 40% jump from last year's 136.7 million bushels. The breakdown shows a rise in both on-farm (135 million bushels) and off-farm (56.4 million bushels) storage.

Soybean stocks, however, painted a different picture. Total stocks dipped 11% to 55.2 million bushels compared to 2023. On-farm stocks mirrored this decline, reaching 30 million bushels. Off-farm storage also saw a decrease, settling at 25.2 million bushels.

Wheat stocks presented a slight increase. Old crop all wheat stocks reached 10.2 million bushels, a 15% rise from last year. On-farm stocks remained low at 420,000 bushels, while off-farm storage held the majority at 9.76 million bushels.

While the report provides a snapshot of grain stock levels, it's important to note that it doesn't account for disappearance during the March-May period.

The report indicates that 98.5 million bushels of corn, 53.2 million bushels of soybeans, and 9.86 million bushels of wheat disappeared from Missouri during this timeframe.

This data is valuable for farmers, analysts, and the agricultural industry, providing insights into grain production, consumption, and storage trends in Missouri.

Photo Credit: vecteezy-bergamont

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Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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