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Missouri farmers forge ahead despite dry conditions

Missouri farmers forge ahead despite dry conditions

By Blake Jackson

Missouri farmers capitalized on mostly favorable weather during the week ending April 14, 2024, with 6.1 days suitable for fieldwork. While temperatures averaged 6.1 degrees above normal, precipitation fell short at 0.49 inches, 0.62 inches below average.

This dryness is reflected in topsoil moisture ratings, with 9% classified as very short and 25% as short. Subsoil moisture fares slightly better, with 14% very short and 34% short. However, despite these concerns, farmers are actively planting crops.

Corn planting reached 26%, significantly exceeding the 5-year average of 10%. Emergence is still in its early stages at 1%, but on par with the historical average. Soybean planting has also begun, reaching 8% compared to the usual 1% at this time.

Rice growers are even further ahead, with planting reaching 35% completion, well above the 5-year average of 12%. Cotton planting has also started, with 2% of the crop planted.

Winter wheat is showing positive signs with 5% of the crop headed, again exceeding the 5-year average of 1%. Condition ratings are encouraging as well, with 1% rated very poor, 1% poor, 23% fair, 64% good, and 11% excellent.

Overall, Missouri farmers are making progress with spring planting despite facing drier than usual conditions. Early indications suggest a potentially productive season for corn, soybeans, rice, and winter wheat.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-banksphotos

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Schaefer endorsed by Missouri corn growers association Schaefer endorsed by Missouri corn growers association

Categories: Missouri, Crops, Corn, Soybeans

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