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MO pasture tour - fall calving and grazing

MO pasture tour - fall calving and grazing

By Blake Jackson

Join us on July 22, 2024, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at Kevin Welsh Farm in Fair Play, MO, for an informative pasture tour focused on fall calving cattle operations and native warm season grass management.

Hosted by Kevin Welsh, farmer and landowner, alongside Terry Halleran, MU Extension Agronomy Field Specialist, and Landry Jones, MFA Natural Resource Grazing Conservation Specialist, this event promises valuable insights into establishing and managing native warm season grasses.

The agenda includes discussions on native warm season grass establishment techniques, optimal grazing practices for cattle on these grasses, and detailed drill management and calibration strategies.

Following the educational sessions, Kevin Welsh will lead participants on a tour of his farm, showcasing firsthand how native warm season grasses are integrated into his fall calving cattle operation.

This event is free to attend and includes a meal for all participants. To secure your place, please register by July 18 through the registration website or by contacting the Polk County MU Extension Center at (417) 326-4916. For any inquiries, reach out to Patrick Davis at

This pasture tour is made possible through collaboration with partners including Kevin Welsh Farm, MU+MDC Native Grass Group, MFA, and Polk County Soil and Water Conservation District. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from experts and experience sustainable grazing practices firsthand.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-jacqueline-nix

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Categories: Missouri, Livestock

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