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Effective gardening tips for Japanese beetles

Effective gardening tips for Japanese beetles

By Blake Jackson

Japanese beetles can be a gardener's nemesis, but University of Missouri Extension horticulturist Tamra Reall suggests a hands-on, eco-friendly approach. Patience and a simple solution of soapy water are your best weapons.

"Tapping beetles off plants and dropping them into a bucket of soapy water is the most effective method," says Reall. Daily diligence is key, as beetles release a pheromone that attracts more of their kind. Protect prized plants with cheesecloth or fine netting.

Insecticides, while tempting, can harm beneficial insects. Reall emphasizes that beetles are a temporary summer nuisance, typically lasting 4-6 weeks.

Identifying Japanese beetles is essential. They're about half an inch long with a shiny green body and bronze wings, adorned with six white hair tufts on each side. These pests overwinter in the soil and emerge as adults each summer.

With a voracious appetite for over 300 plant species, Japanese beetles can skeletonize leaves and damage flowers and fruit. They prefer sunlight and often feed in groups, intensifying damage.

While traps might seem like a solution, Reall advises against them. "They actually attract more beetles to your yard," she explains.

To deter these pests, consider planting less attractive species and diversifying your garden. Remember, patience and persistence are crucial in the battle against Japanese beetles.

Photo Credit: gettyimages-johnbraid

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